Debate Club

The SCCHS Debate Club partners with the Saskatchewan Elocution & Debate Association (SEDA) to teach critical thinking, communication excellence, and respect of diverse viewpoints through a school club setting. Debate itself is arguing for and against various resolutions that aim to change society. 

Debate Club begins in September and concludes with Provincials in March. The Debate Club is a subsidiary of the Business Club. Students can either participate in the Debate Club competitively or non-competitively. Students who compete are in pairs and debate either in the SEDA's Novice Division (new to debate) or SEDA's Open Division (one year or more of experience).  

Highlights from the 2021 - 2022 season include:

One novice team placed third in Provincials.

One novice team member was awarded the Spirit of Debate for Saskatchewan.

Watch the daily announcements for more information.​